Thursday, March 18, 2010

Photo Catch Up

Since I've been lazy with this blog lately, here's some pictures from our time trapped indoors for the hurricane...

Picture of the sky on the night before Tomas was supposed to hit. My little camera didn't quite capture how purple the sky was, it was actually pretty creepy.

One afternoon when we were all feeling stir crazy, a couple of the boys went out and got coconuts and taught me how to open one. My technique consisted of me hacking at the thing for 10 minutes with a machete, but I was eventually successful. Coconut is delicious, which should be a good motivator for me to learn how to get better at doing this.

A fat pot of indian turmeric rice that Arti showed us how to make another afternoon. This stuff is addictive, and I'm making it a lot once I get home.

We moved a bunch of mattresses downstairs in my house to hole up for the week. The space in the middle is where mine used to be (I moved it out on the last day because I needed some space) - our housekeeper came in and made all of these beds, but skipped over mine in my room. She does this a lot, I can't tell if she doesn't like me or something, but it's funny.

Chilis that I bought at the market. I've resolved to use these in anything I cook this week. I came home late after St. Patrick's Day festivities (we hit up the one Irish bar in Suva - O'Reillys - it was an interesting way to spend the holiday) and idiot me tried making noodles with these things, which resulted in me getting pepper juice in my nose and mouth and eyes and having to dunk my face into a bowl of milk to extinguish the fire on my face. Hopefully next time I try cooking with these I'll be a little bit more successful.

Not quite sure what the plans are for the weekend - we wanted to get out and go to a beach, but the weather is looking crummy so that might have to be postponed for another weekend. We'll see. I need to get out of the city though!

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