Thursday, February 25, 2010

Finished First Week

It's Friday, and I've now gotten through each of my classes, so I think that my schedule is finally set for the semester. At least, I hope it is, because after today if you drop or add courses they fine you (I think this sucks, since it's their fault they can't schedule things properly in the first place...) My physiology professor has a thick Indian accent so I can't really understand what he's saying, which will most likely be an issue in the future. Also he handed out our lab assignment for next week, where we're monitoring blood glucose levels in a chicken. The procedure suggests that we "use 5-8 students to sufficiently restrain the chicken while taking blood samples from a wing vein", so this should prove to be interesting. Also there are 90 students in the class and only 2 lab sections, which means huge labs. I haven't been in a lab with more than 20 people and I've only worked alone or in pairs, so I think I'll appreciate things at Williams more when I'm through with this. Oh and I have a gecko that's decided to move into my room...he's missing a tail and he's pretty quiet, so maybe he figured he could hide away and recover with me. It's okay, but it freaks me out when he pops out from behind things when I'm getting ready to go to bed.

It's been raining for the past couple of days, which kind of sucks because you get soaked for being outside for more than a few seconds, but at least it breaks the heat. We have a 3 day weekend coming up, so hopefully we'll have nice weather since we're planning to do a few trips around the area. So this post is boring but I should have heaps of pictures from this weekend coming up.

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